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Saturday, July 15, 2017

#44 - More Caps for Sale - Esphyr Slobodkina

Title:  More Caps for Sale
Author:  Esphyr Slobodkina
Genre:  Kid Pic Book
Publisher/Date:  Harper Collins/2015
ISBN:  978-0-0-240545-6
Dates read:  7/14/17

This is a second book by an author I’d never heard of until 2013 when I read Caps for Sale to granddaughter.  When I found this book I knew she and I had to read it.  And when it came time last night to go to sleep, the nine year old wanted to read it herself.  We took turns every other page until she wanted me to finish it.  By then she was sound asleep.

The story is a sequel to the first book and takes place later the same day.  The peddler stacks his caps onto his head and sets off to sell his wares.  The sixteen monkeys he doesn’t see follow him.  And before you know it mayhem ensues.

I loved the discussion about Ms. Slobodkina and her protégé, Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer.  Slobodkina the elder by forty years passed away in 2002 and Sayer has administrated and exhibited Slobodkina’s works by using her original art and choices of style.  “Through this posthumous story, Sayer awakens Slobodkina’s voice.”

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