Title: Shared Glory
Author: D. M. Ulmer
Genre: Historical
Publisher/Date: Patriot Media/2014
ISBN: 978-0-9905724-0-4
Dates read: 5/16/17 –
Pages: 157
Our friend Don Ulmer writes the “bestest” books. I’ve read about six of them now and each one
touches my heart. This particular book
is based upon a real incident that occurred during WWII, long before our time. Don includes a letter remembering the day,
June 26, 1945. The letter is written by
the pilot of the B-29 to the commanding officer of the submarine who rescued
him, thanking him with warmest regards for saving his life and the lives of his
crew members. We also have the film clip
of the actual rescue.
Thank you Don for your caring heart and touching story.
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