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Monday, July 4, 2016

#32 - Trixie Belden and the Mysterious Visitor - Julie Campbell

Title:  Trixie Belden and the Mysterious Visitor
Author:    Julie Campbell
Genre:  Mystery
Category:  Kid Fiction
Rating:  B
Published:  1954
Dates:  6/28/16 – 7/3/16
Pages - 282

 “Oh, woe,” Trixie moaned. “Homework on a Friday.  It’s not fair.  It’ll ruin the whole week end.”
This is typical of our Trixie.  She’d rather be solving mysteries than going to school or doing homework.  Even on the home front she would avoid dusting like the plague except that she earns $5.00 a week to do chores around Crabapple Farm where she and her family live.  Honey Wheeler is her best friend.  It’s October now with Halloween just around the corner.  The mystery now is why Diana Lynch is so down and edgy and seems so lonely.  Honey and her brother, Jim, extend an invitation for Di to join them for a weekend.  Di accepts.  One of her problems she shares is wanting to have a Halloween Party yet not wanting the butler to hover and spoil everything.  Another dimension is that Uncle Monty is also in town and a real creep as far as Diana is concerned. 
The excitement builds as the Bob-Whites initiate Di into their group, and pursue the mystery of the uncle who doesn’t seem to be who he presents himself to be.   

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