Title: The Stone
Author: Sarah Gainham
Genre: Fiction
Publisher/Date: E. P. Dutton & Co./1959
Date read: 4/24/17 –
Pages: 256
Toby Elyot knew he didn’t like parties and this particular
one wasn’t any better. Yet, he met Miss
Andrea Skala, the person he was meant to know.
She was engaged to be married and her fiancé did not seem that
interested in protecting her during a crucial time in her life when being wed
would save her life and perhaps free her brother, Jan, from the political
forces that held him hostage.
Such is the premise of Gainham’s book, set in Prague,
Czechoslovakia, during the Russian influence of post-WWII. The story moves a bit slowly but the suspense
is pretty good, and the action intense when called for. This is a second-to-be-read book of this
author I first met in 1968, so it’s been a couple years for me to get around to
another book of hers.
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