Title: Light in August
Author: William Faulkner
Mark Hammer
Genre: Novel
Category: Fiction
Rating: B+
Published: 1932
Dates: 9/11/16– 9/27/16
Cds/Hrs: 16/18.25
I’d meant
to listen to this in August, the month Tom Nissley had suggested it be read,
but someone else had checked it out from the library. Instead, September worked great for me. I
must say it was my favorite Faulkner novel so far, having read The Rievers and
A Fable.
between the story of “a guileless pregnant woman who walks from Alabama to
Mississippi in search of the father of her unborn child” and the same woman
with a three month old child on the same quest at the end of the book, we find
Joe Christmas, “a tortured young man of mixed ancestry whose isolation escalates
to homicidal rage.” It is Joe Christmas’s
story that frames the novel. I like what
the back cover says – “With its dramatic back-tracking into Joe’s troubled
past, Light in August rushes the reader like flooding water to an unexpected
and inspired conclusion. As Joe fulfills
his own destiny, he in turn plays out the doom of the South.”
story remains timeless and one that readers from the 21st century
will be able to relate.
1 comment:
Hi thankks for posting this
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