Title: Life of a Poet
Author: Patricia Beaudry
Genre: Auto-biography
Publisher/Date: Self/2017
Dates read: 12/2/17 - 12/13/17
IBSN: 9-781978-423701
Written by our dear friend who sub-titled this, her first book, "My Faith Journey", Pat tells us a bit about her life, the first half about growing up and living in eastern Washington. The rest of the story in western Washington where she thrives, with all sorts of interests. These hobbies include -- poetry in which she has been published a couple of times; sewing of beautifully made clothing including men's and women's tailored suits and more recently quilting. She devours Bible-based classes in her quest to know our Lord Jesus more intimately and thus witness to others about what He has done in her life as she describes in her book. I met Pat in 1994 and am part of the circle of hands as shown above when a group of women met for the first time in a Bible class called Disciple.
I always feel more a part of my friends' lives when they take that giant step in their quest to step outside their
comfort zone and become published. You, Pat, my generous friend, are an inspiration to me.
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