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Saturday, November 11, 2017

#69 - Santa Paws - Ellen Emerson White

Title:  Santa Paws
Author:  Ellen Emerson White
Illustrations by:  Robert J. Blake
Genre:   Kid Picture Book
Publisher/Date:   Scholastic, Inc./2003
Dates read:   11/10/17
IBSN:  0-439-324836-6

The inside cover says to get your hankie ready for this story.  I didn’t think much about this as granddaughter and I got ready to take turns reading this book out loud.  In the first a couple paragraphs, sure enough, I was weeping and granddaughter was comforting me.  White grabbed me with her words, as any good author does effectively.  “It was almost Christmas, and the dog was alone.  He lived by himself on the streets, so he had no warm place to sleep, and no food to eat.  But, more than anything, he wanted to have a family of his very own to love.  And, if he was lucky, maybe they would love him, too!”

Granddaughter asked me to read aloud first and, with quavering voice I plunged forward.  Through the dog’s daily efforts he humbly and quite innocently becomes the hero.  It’s a great piece to read during the upcoming Christmas season because the theme is about prevailing love.  I must start encouraging granddaughter’s take on these books so they may be recorded here.

This is volume one of six in the Santa Paws series White has written under the pen name, Nicholas Edwards.

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