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Thursday, August 31, 2017

#56 - Norse Mythology - Neil Gaiman

Title:  Norse Mythology
Author:  Neil Gaiman
Genre:   Non-fiction 293.13
Read by:  author
Publisher/Date:   Harper Collins/2017
Dates listened to:   8/24/17 – 8/31/17
CDs/Hours: 6/6.5
IBSN:  978-0-06-266363-4

I very much liked Gaiman’s latest book on Norse Mythology.  It was like being a kid again and listening to fairy tales or in this case, stories about Loki, Odin and Thor and other Norse gods and goddesses.  Loki is the scamp – duping others and being duped.  Odin the father figure, highest of the high, wise, daring and also cunning.  Thor, Odin’s son, incredibly strong and in possession of a magic sword.  Combine all these with giants, dwarfs, caves and castles, a trip to hell and back and you have storytelling at its best. 

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