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Saturday, August 5, 2017

#51 - Justin Case Shells, Smells and the Horrible Flip-Flops of doom - Rachel Vail

Title:  Justin Case   Shells, Smells and the Horrible Flip-Flops of Doom
Author:  Rachel Vail
Illustrator:  Matthew Cordell
Genre:  Kid Chapter Book
Publisher/Date:  Macmillan/2012
ISBN:   978-1-250-00081-1
Dates read:  7/29/17/ - 8/4/17
Pages:  179

The summer following his year as a third grader, Justin Case (not his real last name – it’s Krzeszewski) is signed up for Camp GoldenBrook.  The previous summer he went to Science Camp and really loved it.  Now he’s not so sure he’s ready for more of a sports camp.

In journal form, beginning with June 20, Sunday, we learn all about Justin and his plans for summer where he has absolutely Nothing to Worry About.  He likes gummy worms, going barefoot and Science Camp.  Although he says he’s ready to go to Camp GoldenBrook, he is not ready to wear flip-flops.  For one thing between his big toe and the one next to it is a huge gap where another toe could fit.   

Wouldn’t you know it, Justin tries his hardest to fit in with the other kids at camp.  He does his darnedest to dive for coins on the bottom of the pool, not to worry that he doesn’t understand the game of Knuckle he and the other guys play, or that the kids tease him about liking Penelope Ann Murphy. 

All turns out well and on August 31, Tuesday, Justin journals that he looks forward to September and the start of fourth grade, and especially that there’s Nothing to Worry About.

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