Title: The Interruption of Everything
Author: Terry McMillan
Read by: Desiree Taylor
Genre: Fiction
Rating: B
Published: 2005
Dates Listened to: 1/4/16 - 1/22/16
CDs/Hours: 10/11:49
As the book opens we find Marilyn in a bathroom stall at work contemplating her current life. Before the book is over with if you're like me you'll see yourself in many of her 44 year old situations -- a husband who is having a mid-life crisis; her mother whose memory is failing; her younger sister who spends more time finding her next fix than with her two four and seven year old children; her live-in mother-in-law who has a boyfriend and may be moving out. Like many of us, Marilyn has put her life on hold as she helped raise the kids and now as an empty-nester, sees so many possibilities that she'd like to pursue -- a masters degree in design, a body that needs to shape up and just generally wanting to feel better about herself. She's such a positive, motivated and strong person in how she handles each complication in her life that you'll be rooting for her as you learn how she deals with The Interruption of Everything.
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