Title: At the Mountains of Madness
Author: H. P. Lovecraft
Read by: William Roberts
Genre: Science Fiction
Rating: B
Published: 1936
Dates Listened to: 1/10/16 - 1/21/16
CDs/Hours: 4/5
This is a book recommended by Jeopardy winner, Tom Nissley, who wrote A Reader's Book of Days. In his book Nissley suggests a few books for each month of the year and provides a brief summary. "As the southern summer opens up the South Pole for exploration, a scientific expedition led by professors Dyer and Lake discovers behind a range of unknown Antarctic mountains a vast, dead, and ancient city, one of the most evil and benighted of Lovecraft's inhuman horrors."
The story is spooky and not for everyone. It's told from a first person point of view and is strictly narrative. I hung onto all the nefarious words Lovecraft used to describe the mountains, the city, the inhuman encounters. So if you want your spine to tingle and your toes to curl, enjoy!
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