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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

#73 - Dickens' Bleak House - Robert Beum

Title:  Dickens’ Bleak House (Cliffs Notes)
Author:   Robert Beum
Genre:  Non-Fiction   823.8
Rating:  B
Published:  1991
Dates:  10/18/16 – 11/14/16
Pages:  89

This companion to Bleak House helped fill in the gaps that I missed as I was listening to my latest Dickens “read”.
In addition to the cast of endless characters were summaries and commentaries of each chapter.  Under his critical essays, Beum discussed characterization which he likened to Shakespeare; theme, or in the case of Bleak House, themes that include legal codes and Chancery Court; technique and style which may turn off today’s generation due to details and vocabulary and as Beum mentions, "today’s readers are no longer well-practiced readers due to television and film being a preferred pastime"; plot and sub-plots, the latter of which isn’t always related to the main plot but enjoy them since, in my estimation, there’s nothing worse than a plotless story; setting where most of the action takes place around London, Lincolnshire, St. Albans, and lastly Yorkshire where new Bleak House is located and some rural scenes; the fog which in Bleak House symbolizes “muddles and miseries” and symbolism that includes foreshadowing, helpful in dealing with things to come such as Richard Carstone’s inability to “see” in the mental and spiritual fog generated by the High Court of Chancery.

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