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Monday, May 1, 2017

#19 - Dolphins - Sarah Albee

Title:  Dolphins
Author:  Sarah Albee
Photo credits:  various
Genre:  kid picture book    599.53
Publisher/Date: Gareth Stevens/2010
ISBN: 978-0-8368-9116-4
Date read:  4/30/17

Again, this second book by an author granddaughter and I had read was a winner.  We learn much about dolphins.  In particular, the names of their acrobatic feats include spyhopping which is when a dolphin pokes their head and sometimes their upper body straight up out of the water to look around and lobtailing which occurs as they slap their tails hard against the surface of the water, making a loud smack.  It could mean that a dolphin is angry or as a warning to other dolphins of danger or to show which male dolphin is in charge.

At the end of the book is glossary of terms, and questions to show what you have learned from reading the book.  This book is part of the Amazing Animals series which includes bears, dogs, frogs, goats and zebras.

As we read the facts about dolphins, soon-to-be nine year old granddaughter confirmed for me what she knew to be fact.  Smart kid!

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